caracorr Member


  • Thanks Ron. I tried 1200 calories and my CPT boyfriend told me that was too low considering all the exercise I do however, I have considered dropping to 1200 on Tues/Fri and the weekends when I am doing less exercise. Maybe I should implement that.
  • Because even a fitness instructor and a CPT can struggle. Because some people can cheat and still see results and others can't. Because I am trying to figure out if the type of exercises I'm doing are helping or undermining my efforts. And because even though I have a wealth of nutrition and exercise knowledge, I don't…
  • I have tried in the past to add a strength routine because I do have access to weight machines but I'm usually so wiped out by the other classes that I can't stay consistent. I have asked my employer to invest in a new weight set that has higher weights but...I'm still waiting. In the mean time, I'm looking for solutions…
  • I have to clarify here a bit.... I use an impedance scale with a hand grip and drink at least 100oz of water per day. The scale has read the same for 3 years straight so it can't be that far off. As for food measurement...I have, in the past been ultra dilligent about measuring and weighing. I can tell someone almost…
  • Yes, that is part of it. The class I teach is a sculpt class. Generally we do squats, lunges, variations of those, crunches, planks, side plank, rows, bicep curls, triceps extensions, modified push-ups both tricep and chest style, leg lit's and glute lifts. Problem is I think my body may have adapted to all the bodyweight…
  • I am 5'1" and use an impedance scale to check body fat and weight at the same time of the day every few days or once a week. I am very accurate with portion control. I don't weigh food but I used to very dilligently, and have mastered the art of eyeballing after all these years.
  • I'm a fitness instructor which explains all the exercise. I can't use any weight higher than 8lbs because that's all we have available. Blowing my calorie goal usually maxes me out at around 2000 calories for the day.