mjcall2013 Member


  • If I can do it, you can too. I started at 197 and am at 133 now. It's been 5 years and I still struggle to keep it off, at times. Some years are better than others. My first year, I didn't use MFP even though I signed up for it. I ate a lot of almonds, apples with peanut butter (peanuts only), bananas, soy milk (I…
  • After my nurse sister said, "Cereal just makes your *kitten* big," I quit eating it! LOL, that was about 4 years ago. I've since then lost 70 lbs. I find that a banana and a handful (20-25) of dry roasted unsalted almonds is easy to eat on the go, in the car or walking to work. Good luck on the clean eating. For me that…
  • Hi there-sorry this is so long! :) Try not to give up. I lost 60 lbs in 18 months, then gained 24 back. I was feeling like I just couldn't get restarted. All it took was a Dr visit where I was told to lose 12 lbs. I don't know why, but I decided I was going to do a workout every day instead of 4-5 a week recommended. If I…
  • :) I'm going to be 60 in June, so I feel ya! You can do it! I did, but it takes a while. Try to be patient and learn to like, what I call, real food. You'll be amazed after about 2 months how much you enjoy eating "better for you" food. When you have that occasional "cheat day" you'll realize that the old food is not as…