mggary Member


  • One of my favorites is any chocolate flavored meal replacement with half a banana and 1 tsp of PB2 or powdered peanut butter. Mix with about 12oz water and ice ...
  • I struggle with this question too. I am also short (4'11") & find that the closer I can stay to 1200 the better, even with high intensity workouts. That being said, I have to agree with the the others saying that 1200 is also the minimum to lose weight the healthy way, but I believe if you're within 100 calories under or…
  • Alton Brown's tuna dressing with lettuce. I skip the capers but it's 1 can/pouch of tuna, 1 tbsp mayo, cracked pepper & 2-3 dashes of red wine vinegar. Mix it all together then serve over your favorite fresh salad greens with some cherry tomatoes or whatever you like with salad. I have also substituted 4-5 pickled…