adriennel502 Member


  • So impressed and proud of you - that's a really tough thing to talk yourself into!
  • Don't you just love when you go too far to wear clothes you've been waiting on? I did that with a lovely new pair of jeans. When I finally plucked up the courage to try them on they just fell off me. I was gutted - but in a good way!
  • Even if you couldn't see a difference (and I can!) wearing clothes you couldn't wear before is a fantastic Non Scale Victory and proves there is one!! Sometimes clothing is the best way to see it. You're doing great!!
  • You look amazing. What an awesome change!
  • Cheese. I didn't realise quite how bad the cheese kjs were and just how much I was eating. Not that I've cut it out completely, I just weigh it religiously now! On the other hand, I've had to cut potato chips out completely because I have absolutely zero self control when it comes to them. When I reach maintenance I might…
  • I have Charge HR (the strap is better on the HR as it is a buckle) and LOVE it. The only issue I have is that I have to hold on to arm rests on the treadmill, so I have to tuck it into my waistband then. But I love the vibrating alarm (soundless so doesn't wake hubby in the morning) and the way it automatically puts…
  • Wow, more recipes than I could hope for! Definitely going to book mark this and try all of them! (Just have to also mark a page with conversion tables for quarts and lbs - I don't know how you Americans cope without metric!!) LOL You guys have all been great - I'm eyeing up that spicy tomato and blue cheese soup for…
  • It is a difficulty as protein is the best filling option. Best sources of protein for vegetarians (assuming your doing it full vege and not eating fish) are in three groups. Nuts and seeds, pulses (ie beans and lentils) and grains (your pasta and rice. If you have any two of those groups in one meal you're getting complete…
  • That sounds delicious!!! I shall definitely try it out on the weekend.
  • 3 pounds in 11 days? That's actually great!! Best thing to do is slow and steady. You're right on target.
  • I have a charge HR, and I love it. Especially for me because the HR and Surge have buckle straps as opposed to the snap straps (like domes) on the cheaper models and I found the snap really difficult to use. But I compared it to my old pedometer and the steps were fairly similar. Only hitch I have is that if you're using…
  • If you've linked your fitbit to MFP then it will automatically put them in once you've synced your fitbit (either your mob or computer). SO much easier!!
  • Ride on Time. (Gotta get up, gotta get up, gotta get up, ohhhh.... upbeat and inspirational!)
  • Well done! chips (Crisp) are my danger food - it's always hard to resist something you love and turn it down.
  • I have a fitbit charge HR and LOVE it, but I've never tried Jawbone so can't comment on any differences. I do love the vibrating alarm on my fitbit but I don't know if Jawbone has that. Also I find the snap lock close on the fitbit flex really difficult to manage. I gave my flex to my friend after 2 weeks and upgraded to…
  • Well done!! 10,000 isn't always as easy as it seems so you're doing a fantastic job. Are you using your mobile, or wearing pedometer or fitbit type device? I went from a pedometer to a fitbit (which links to MFP automatically) and I LOVE it! :)
  • That's a lot to lose in one month. Wow!
  • Congratulations!! That is awesome. I'm in that slow (plateau) stage too. Just gotta keep going!
  • Thanks for all the advice, guys!! I did a light walk, and today I have no pain at all, which is great. So I'm going to keep going, but as Allan said, with "tempered enthusiasm." (I love that). So do it a little more gradually and build up to a full day one. After all I don't have to follow their programme exactly -…
  • You look AMAZING. Congratulations!
  • Got out my winter coat (it's Autumn here in NZ) and it's actually loose when buttoned up! Last year it was straining at the buttons and I had to suck my tummy in! :)
  • Just for today, for 7 April: 1. Stick to cals 2. 3+ pints water/tea 3. Exercise 30 min. 4. No sugar for a 3 day cleanse. This will be a first for me in this whole time of being on MFP. 5. Be more patient with my 2nd grader and his reading :) If you're trying to drink water, try this cute little insprirational app: Plant…
  • I love my fitbit!! Charge HR - how do I find my fitbit user number everyone keeps quoting?
  • Welcome!! This app is fantastic - I spent a year last year just exercising and was getting nowhere until my husband and I started this. Just log accurately and be honest with yourself and you won't believe how well it works! Best of luck
  • Don't be scared - you'll find it's surprisingly easy! Just take the time to log every single thing you eat, (it'll get faster as you go!) and read the forum posts sticky's at the top for some great starting information. Good luck!!
  • What do you mean you wouldn't call it a success story? I certainly would. Just because you're not at final goal weight yet doesn't mean you haven't had amazing success so far! (And I love your new hair). You are amazing and inspiring.
  • my best friend just started, and logged her starting weight at what she THOUGHT she was. When she eventually weighed herself she was quite a bit more, which upset her a lot and set her into a bit of a tailspin for a while. Better to grit your teeth, step on the scales and admit what the number is - then every time you go…
  • Don't feel bad about talking about what you've learnt- my best friend used to roll her eyes at me but then she joined and now she's doing the same. I totally agree with IamtheGlue above- people look at overweight people as normal, and think you don't have to lose anything. People tell me I don't have to lose weight. But I…
  • Veggie 'meatballs' made out of rolled oats, onion, egg and cottage cheese and some grated cheese - golf size balls covered in pureed tomato and baked. Yummy!
  • Well done! It is awesome that you have the control now to make the decision. You've inspired me to go home and hop on the treadmill tonight even though I don't feel like it either!