IamFLmomx5 Member


  • My apologies for misreading your statement that the WHO has no dietary guidelines for sugar. While I knew that the OP was asking specifically about intrinsic sugars, I misread that the last sentence was specific to them. I was just trying to clarify by linking to the WHO's sugar recommendations, and certainly did not…
  • Just here to second that the WHO's recommended guidelines call for the consumption of no more than 25g of added sugars per day. I know that the OP was asking about the difference between intrinsic sugars and added, but at least one response specifically stated that the WHO has no guidelines re: sugars. Here is the link:…
  • I've recently begun doing LCHF (low carb high fat). I try to stay under about 75g of carbs per day (about 15% of my calories.) I started Jan 3rd and as of today I have lost 7.4lbs. I am finding it easy to stay within my calorie goals because the protein and fat have kept me satisfied so far. I think keto would be too…