Best of luck! We are all here to help!
Sounds great! Keep it up everyone! It is always nice to know you have friends in the same boat. We can all definitely keep in touch. I will add all of you when i get home from this mini vacation i had to take. Travel makes eating right difficult. :D
Hang in there! It can be frustrating. I search all over the web for low calorie meals. There are so many. I also use pinterest where I have a board dedicated to healthy eating for things I find that I would actually eat. I also have been putting myself on a food budget so far for 2 people it hasn't been too bad eating…
Hi. Im new to all this also. Im not too far. I live near currituck nc. Ive only been getting moving for a couple weeks now but i keep telling myself the only way to get thinner is to just do the workout and eat less junk. Not too hard. Right.