jupitermoon7 Member


  • I have just begun my GF journey and initially felt guilty that my family would suffer from my food restrictions. However after reading up on the seriousness of celiac and how cross contamination can put me back to square one and constantly sick I decided we could try to do it. For breakfast and lunch they still eat the…
  • I'm on day 3 of going GF since being diagnosed with Celiac. Actually probably today was the first day I was truly GF. I had no idea there was gluten in the dunkin donuts flavored coffee I was making at home until I researched it after I continued to be sick. Anyway even without being entirely GF I'm losing weight rapidly.…
  • I was diagnosed yesterday with Celiac disease and will see a dietician next week and get blood work done for some malnutrition concerns. I feel so overwhelmed! I didn't realize that so many products have wheat in them! I got so sick from teriyaki sauce this week. My husband and I are now downloading apps with scanners to…