

  • Just reading back over the thread, a lot of us are lucky just to be alive. It's amazing to hear everyone's stories and how you cope, thanks so much to everyone who has replied, it's comforting to know I'm not alone with SLE :) xxx
  • Amazing :) well done for losing so much already, and good luck in the future, it sounds like nothing can stand in ur way! Xxx
  • I've never tried acupuncture, does it really help you? I'm having a rough couple of days, so exhausted and getting bored of feeling crappy. Need to lock the fridge when I get like this! lol xxx
  • You guys are amazing. I've just slept through the whole afternoon, feel like it's such a waste but that's just lupus! Look forward to reading all your posts and chatting to you all :) xxx
  • Oh I know that feeling. I haven't weighed myself in over 2 years I'm so terrified by what it will say. My weights on here are just estimated. I was on steroids for just over a year and whilst they helped the lupus, they made me gain so much weight that I haven't been able to get off. So depressing! I have some fusion in my…
  • ...oh dear not great on this app... even if we are all sick! That's some very wise advice from you all, I know I have a tendency to work until I'm exhausted then sleep for a week, I do need to manage a better balance. I get a bit carried away, especially at weekends! My meds now are Azathiaprine (rejection drug),…
  • Also, trying not to beat yourself up when you can't do everything that healthy people can do. Yea... That's exactly what I do!! It's so lovely to hear from you all
  • I'm new too! In the UK but spent time in oz, I miss it there it's wonderful :) what are ur goals? Xx