etbeaut12 Member


  • Hi Dawn same here he's the first in our family for a long time..but he is the first out of my 2 kids..and like u when he said they were having beach wedding, i thought OMG :# but hey I've lost 9.5lbs so far and trying hard..I know I'm not gonna be skinny mini but I just want to feel better in myself.. Let's keep these good…
  • Hi thanks for comment..I to have been on MFP for 4-5weeks now and I've lost 9.5lbs. (I live in UK) and yes definitely need the support :) We can do this :-)
  • Thank you for your comments ladies, I only have 16 weeks eeek!! Wish I had started earlier :-( but at least I'm doing something now ey? Good luck with this's to a slimmer us :)