m36lizardi Member


  • Thank you. Today I ate 400+ calories more than my goal of 1,200. And lost 1 lb. Could I possibly be eating too little? Maybe I should up my goal for now to 1,300? We'll see.
  • That was 2015. In August that year our son died and I spiraled into deep depression and forgot all about diet. Now I'm emerging from all that pain and am even heavier. Am now a member of Planet Fitness and starting tomorrow will go in the mornings for an hour. Planned my meals for tomorrow and hope to God I obey it.
  • I hear you. I'm there too. Haven't weighed so much in my life and I can't seem to control the feeding. So down tonight, I planned my meal for tomorrow and hope to God I follow it. Have to trick myself to feel full by drinking lots of tea tomorrow and going to the gym for an hour. How did you (always4my2k) figure it out?…
  • The pinterest tip from Alicia is great! Found a lot of ideas there. Thanks Alicia. I wasn't hungry last night. Did not binge. Now consistency is the nemesis. Must keep this up. Thanks everyone.
  • Yes the program has given me 1200 cal per day. This is the first day I'm actually snacking more in the afternoon on low cal food. And adding a protein to my fruit snack. Working so far. Just need to stay away fr the kitchen at night. Need to make this work. I'm so blown away by the replies i've gotten so far n great tips.…
  • I think you're right Lissa. I'm binging because too hungry to choose right foods let alone control portions. Prepared my food plan for tomorrow with more proper snacks. We'll see how this goes.
  • How do you determine the correct number of calories a day to take to lose weight? Is there a formula out there?
  • Thanks ladies. Wow, didn't even consider 1,200 may be too low. The tip about an egg to pair with a fruit snack sounds great. Before reading all your advice, this evening I ate chocolate, about a handful of chocolate covered almonds. A no no but it was better than last night's debacle. I'll pack tomorrow's food now with…