Thank you! That's exactly what I plan to do, give it all I got!
Hi. I just started this a few days ago and I found it motivating just to log in the foods I eat. I guess beacuse of the excitement. I know it is really hard to lose weight the right way and I also know that it's not impossible. If you stick to it you can get there and if you fail the first time, there will be…
Hello Ugo. Thank you. And it's nice to know of someone that has benefited with this app.
That's unfortunate. I completely get where you're coming from. Well like I said before, if you need anything don't hesitate on asking. Hopefully this is the start of a better life. Congratulations on starting this journey. Keep in touch.
Then I had my second child and I noticed that I was gaining and gaining. It wasn't until my oldest son, at the time he was 4, told me that he couldn't wrap his arms around me to give me hugs and that just killed me. So I looked into losing the weight fast and even though I lost the weight really fast, it wasn't a healthy…
I'm from California. And yourself? Diabetes also runs in my family and that is definitely something I worry about too. I was always a thin girl until I had my first child.
Nice to have met you too. Thank you for the reply. I need to lose this weight as well. I've never really tried to lose weight this way before but I do know that everything is possible if we stick to it. So if you need me, I'm right here to give you my support.
Hi. I'm denys. I just started this today and I was hoping to find others her for motivational support. I have lost weight before but always seem to come back up and pretty quickly. Hope we can help each other on this possible journey.