girlalmighty08 Member


  • @RhiannonBecks Your response made me feel so relieved... thank you so much! Like I said I've been a little paranoid about TTC after our trip because I'm ready to go NOW! I didn't want to be negligent but I feel so many people around me are slightly judgmental about the fact that I would knowingly TTC after having…
  • @RhiannonBecks Any thoughts about Zika virus and your trip to Mexico? I was there in November and want to start TTC, but I'm a little paranoid.
  • I have a question... how far in advance of TTC did you ladies start taking folic acid? And did anyone take it while they were still on birth control pills?
  • Did anyone start taking Folic Acid while you were still on birth control? Is that okay?
  • We got a house!! It was a total whirlwind and a bit of bidding war, but we won and will have possession of our lovely 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 0.3 acre home on January 25th! I'm so relieved/excited/nervous... we just got nearly a foot of snow dropped on us yesterday and I was dreading having to live in a trailer for the next…
  • Had a great week last week... made good food choices, hit the gym, and was just very excited about life! Also feeling super in love with my man lately... not that I wasn't before, but I think all the big steps we're taking lately (selling/buying property, planning out when we will start TTC) have just taken our…
  • Well I'm back after quite a few months away. I'll admit, my hiatus did put me off track quite a bit more than I would like BUT I think I've got my focus back and ready to get to work with some clean eatin' and gym goin'! Over the past few months there have been a few changes in our life. We put our house on the market and…
  • Weight-ins: May 1st: 197.2 May 4th: 194.6 May 11th: 195.0 May 18th: 195.8 May 25th: 195.2 May 31st: 192.2 Goal: May 31st: 189.0 Well I didn't make my goal, but I'm down 5 pounds and I feel better than I have in a very long time! I know where I went wrong this month and I'm prepared to learn from those mistakes. I'm also…
  • Weigh-ins: May 1st: 197.2 May 4th: 194.6 May 11th: 195.0 May 18th: 195.8 May 25th: 195.2 Goal: May 31st: 189.0 Doesn't look like I'm going to meet my goal... my body is being quite stubborn this month. But at least I'm still down from the beginning of the month, and we'll see what the next week brings!
  • Weigh-ins: May 1st: 197.2 May 4th: 194.6 May 11th: 195.0 May 18th: 195.8 Goal: May 31st: 189.0 Up AGAIN this week, my goal for May is looking less likely as the days go on. I'm a little frustrated because last week I knew why I was up (poor diet), but this week my eating has been on point and I've been hitting the gym…
  • @Kirstie155 I'm just trying to eat as clean as possible, cut portions, and resist the temptation of a cold beer (or 3) on the patio now that the sun is finally starting to shine around here. Let's crush this May goal! B)
  • Ugh.. up a little this week but I know exactly why. Re-focused now though! Weigh-ins: May 1st: 197.2 May 4th: 194.6 May 11th: 195.0 Goal: May 31st: 189.0
  • Decided to make Thursdays my weigh-in day so I'm re-posting :) I also had a hunch that I was retaining a lot of water so I'm glad to see my results reflect that being flushed out. Weigh-ins: May 1st: 197.2 May 4th: 194.6 Goal: May 31st: 189.0
  • Weigh-ins: May 1st: 197.2 Goal: May 31st: 189.0
  • I've been terrible with weigh-ins this month so I've decided to post-pone it completely until the 30th to see my total progress. I shifted my focus slightly away from weight loss this month and had more of a fitness goal: I'm doing my first competitive 10K on Sunday! So April has been pretty well devoted to getting some…
  • @jennamae102 That is so exciting, what a perfect time for an announcement!
  • Weigh-in: Apr. 6 - 198.0 Apr. 12 - 194.0 Goal: Apr. 30 - 190.0
  • Curious if anyone was on the pill before TTC, and how long would you recommend going off it before you really start getting down to business? Also, did you notice any chances in your energy/weight when you went off?
  • Blech, well I totally bombed in March. I got sick the last couple days which threw my off both my eating and exercise routines, and now the scale is looking a little scary. I'm sure it's a lot of water retention and will hopefully go away quickly, but it's still a little upsetting to see my progress disappear so quickly.…
  • 3/17 - 191.4 3/22 - 192.0 3/24 - 189.2 March Goal - 187.0 I always hate seeing the scale go up even though I know I'm doing everything right... was such a relief to hop on this morning and see my hard work finally paying off. Should be on track to hit my March goal weight! YAHOO! :)
  • Just noticed I entered my last weight wrong... it should have been 191.4 on March 17th... and now my weight this morning is 192. I haven't changed anything in relation to my nutrition so I'm hoping it's just a little bit of water or something from the high intensity gym sessions I've had lately. I'm still such a sucker for…
  • Would love more friends with similar goals! I'll be 30 this year... looking to drop roughly 18 more pounds. To date I'm down 60 pounds from my heaviest :) We are hoping to start a family sometime in the next year so I set myself this new goal to make sure I'm the healthiest I can be.
  • This may be in here somewhere already, but I'm curious who is TTC right now, and who is trying to lose weight before they start TTC? For those of you trying to lose prior, what is your goal weight before you start baby-making?
  • It went down 6 pounds and then up a pound again... I didn't do anything differently so those little gains just piss me off, lol. I know it's unreasonable. I really need to work on it.
  • I'm a little late to the party but I would like to join! Not sure what my exact weight was at the beginning of March but I'm currently sitting at 191.2 lbs. - my goal is to be 187 by the end of the month.
  • Hi ladies! I'm looking for new friends and motivators as well. I'm down a total of 63 pounds from my heaviest weight but I've recently reset MFP with a goal of losing 25 more before TTC. Could really use the support to shed this last bit of weight. Also, this will be my first pregnancy so if there's any mamas out there who…
  • I just really had to get past the the "all or nothing" mentality. Before I was so strict with my diet and would deprive myself of all "bad foods", which obviously wasn't sustainable. Whenever I had a slip and would eat or drink something outside my regular regime I'd always see it as a complete failure and figured "Well,…
  • Hey everyone! I'm 28, 5'8", and have a lot to lose as well. I've been up and down over the years but I'm FINALLY in the right head space to make a sustainable change. When I started MPF I was already down 50 lbs from my heaviest weight but I have set another 50 lb goal for myself. Would love to have some accountability…
  • Yes I have for sure... especially in the summer when we go out camping trips and there's chips and booze a plenty. They are totally understanding (after the first initial jabs), but I find it's more ME and my mental block about it. I just don't trust myself completely so I find it's easier to eliminate the temptation…
  • I'm doing it! Love chatting with BBG girls... We got this!