Hawiian pizza :\
Yeah I really don't look at my weight since muscle is weight so I don't pay much attention to the 120. Another problem I'm a runner. All through out hs I ran xc & track. It's difficult for me to stop running & simply focus on lifting. :|
I weight 120 but I have that excess fat like the love handles that are very annoying. I was thinking of sliming down a bit and then hitting the weights hard, but I feel as if I just run for 30 min that isn't enough for me.
Haha no it's fine! I just find it so exciting talking to someone about running! Lol there's never a wrong time to pick running up again! (:
I really don't have a strict diet. I eat normally, but of course without the mcdonalds & soda! I really need to try cardio after even though I really don't tire myself out, I could be using that energy in the beginning for lifting!
I honestly believe that once a person is a runner at a certain point in their life they will always be a runner! When I tell people I love running they say it's boring, but it just feels so great to run! (:
I'll see how switching them around makes me feel! I make myself some protein shakes, I just don't know how many times a week I should be drinking it?
The last time I ran a xc race was my sophomore year in hs my pr was 23:21. I'm still a runner now being a freshman in college,but I haven't competed. Sometimes I wonder how if I kept training what time I would've achieved my senior year.