deaniac83 Member


  • Actually that's a good point, and it does. But in modern society we can't possibly all grow our own food. In modern society, people can much more easily moderate their free sugar intake. I don't generally considered processed foods to be natural (but I do see your point - it's from a natural source, technically - perhaps I…
  • Right, hence I said many other foods, not any other foods. Also, because foods sold in a box often concentrate the sugar. Fats do have more concentrated calories, but pure fat tends to make one feel full quicker than pure refined sugar. I say pure, because today's fried foods often tend to have a bunch of free (added)…
  • What? What does this have to butchered beef? I didn't say you aren't allowed to cut the canes for manageable size. But you wouldn't just ring out the meat and drink the resulting "juice", would you, or an even more dense, crystalized form of that "juice"? The reason to mention a sugar cane is that while the quality of the…
  • I don't think I disputed that. But as I have said now in multiple posts, because of the concentration of sugars and thus calories (as well as the propensity to create cravings in the case of many), eating sugary foods and drinks make the calories add up faster by volume than many other foods.
  • Of course it can be, but because of the concentration of sugars and thus calories in sugary fruits and drinks, it's easier to cut back on those calories by cutting back on the sugar than by doing it with foods that are less dense in calories and more dense in nutrients. So while you're correct about the ultimate component,…
  • That's right; every food item can be a risk factor for gaining weight. However, not every food item is as effective in adding the pounds. Start with a calorie is a calorie. I hope we can agree for the purposes of this debate that each additional calorie (above maintenance) is an equal risk factor to weight gain. So what's…
  • Absolutely, if you eat the sugar-cane as well.
  • No argument there.
  • Correct, but the NHS also indirectly links sugar consumption with diabetes, saying that added sugars can translate to weight gain, which can then lead to diabetes. (link) "Many foods that contain added sugars also contain lots of calories, but often have few other nutrients. Eating these foods often can contribute to you…
  • That's a little mushy though. If being overweight is a risk factor for diabetes, and excess added sugar consumption is a risk factor for becoming overweight, then excess added sugar consumption is - albeit indirectly - a risk factor for diabetes. I mean, yes, technically, staying at a healthy weight would mean you would…
  • That's a little mushy though. If being overweight is a risk factor for diabetes, and excess added sugar consumption is a risk factor for becoming overweight, then excess added sugar consumption is - albeit indirectly - a risk factor for diabetes. I mean, yes, technically, staying at a healthy weight would mean you would…
  • Despite what some here think, I am a sugar lover. I love sweet stuff. When I was little, I used to often START a meal with dessert. To this day, I want my sugary treats every now and then. But that's what has changed. Now I treat them as... well... treats. Added sugars aren't the healthiest of things, but in moderation it…
  • Yay! Right back atcha! See this is why I love this forum. Thank you for saving me the trouble of digging up these gifs for you.
    in Sugars Comment by deaniac83 June 2015
  • MOAR (projection - but please, MOAR!)
    in Sugars Comment by deaniac83 June 2015
  • Moar!
    in Sugars Comment by deaniac83 June 2015
  • I'm glad to see your above evaluation of yourself. :-) Also, like you, I love filling up forum pages with giant gifs. Thanks for providing some.
    in Sugars Comment by deaniac83 June 2015
  • Aww. How cute. Let's see some more gifs. Don't stop now! I mean, the Internet is full of gifs, which makes them a phenomenal tool for self-aggrandizement.
    in Sugars Comment by deaniac83 June 2015
  • Actually you didn't even do that. You found where someone else said other things that are really risk factors were "causes." This is SO left to implications and inferences that there is little else it is left to. What isn't left to implications and inferences is your having no problem with that poster but all of it with me.
    in Sugars Comment by deaniac83 June 2015
  • Lol. Everything listed in the previous quote to mine, despite its poster claiming as causes, are in fact risk factors. Genetics, for example is not a cause of diabetes but a risk factor. I added one factor. None of the other factors will inevitably lead to diabetes, hence they are risk factors. So no, I didn't call it a…
    in Sugars Comment by deaniac83 June 2015
  • Really? Then PLEASE quote me. I have said multiple times that added sugars (and I have usually been precise to say in high quantities in long term use) consumption is a risk factor of diabetes, not that it causes it. Go ahead, find where I said it causes diabetes rather than that it's a risk factor.
    in Sugars Comment by deaniac83 June 2015
  • Except that I never said anything about anything being "bad" as a blanket statement. You claimed, in a blanket statement, that it isn't bad (even just now). Blanket statements are bad for debate and need parameters. Saying that "sugar isn't bad" is an inaccurate and imprecise statement does not mean one is saying that…
    in Sugars Comment by deaniac83 June 2015
  • Umm, actually, I always agreed with that statement. But I replied to specific statements with specific comments. It seems you are under the impression that I think all added sugars in all quantities is bad. That isn't true, and I have painstakingly said so again and again. In fact, one of my problems here is that I am…
    in Sugars Comment by deaniac83 June 2015
  • Actually your first reply to me in this thread stemmed from a response I had for someone else. And really, I'm not that concerned whether my arguments are "making sense" to you, regardless of how many times you reiterate so.
    in Sugars Comment by deaniac83 June 2015
  • No, that is absolutely not what I'm doing here. In fact in one of my responses I was clear that the OP was fine and didn't need to be concerned. Except I never said that. Nobody did this directly, but the adverse reaction to comments about excess consumption and the tendency to group those commenters as nutty anti-sugar…
    in Sugars Comment by deaniac83 June 2015