elizzabethmarie Member


  • My mom has spider and varicose veins all over her legs, and I started noticing little tiny ones on my ankles. I want to hold them off as long as possible! I'm down 16 already. Only another seventy to go!
  • 20lbs in a month sounds pretty extreme! Make sure you're at least coming close to your goals.
  • Yeah, that's the whole point of the upgrade! I have the Ping now. I had the original Dexcom Seven when it first came out about eight years ago. It was so inaccurate and impossible to shut off, I only wore it for a few months and then swore them off for a while, even though all my diabetes camp people have them and love…
  • Lows were definitely a big problem, but I'm getting the Animas Vibe in a few weeks. Like I said, my doctor is upping my synthroid because it wasn't enough.
  • My endocrinologist said that between the insulin, a growth hormone, and lack of thyroid hormones, weight loss could very well be impossible. But even despite my well controlled type one and not so perfectly controlled TSH levels, I'm still slowly losing weight. I'm hoping the higher dosage will just help bump my metabolism…
  • I think he'll probably have more labs done once my dosage has been upped. Part of the reason I gained so much weight in the first place was that for most of my hypothyroidism, I was never consistent with my synthroid. I always ended up forgetting half or more nights a week. I'm sure that threw me off. But now that I've…
  • So my doctor found out my TSH levels are on the high side. He's bumping my synthroid dosage up so I can lose weight at a more regular pace. I should have lost more than 14 lbs. I'm so hopeful this will help.
  • I know how hard grief hits your eating habits. I gained about 20lbs after my little brother died. If you're worried about not having time to get chores done, I will sometimes use cleaning time as cardio time. If you keep yourself moving fast enough, you can get a little workout or dance through it with music blasting, and…
  • I have had hypothyroidism for about ten years now, and type one diabetes for 18! I assume you're on synthroid or levothyroxine? Have your doctor do frequent blood work. I just saw mine yesterday, and he's proud of my weight loss but wants to see how my levels are so he can bump up my dosage and jump start my metabolism…
  • I think I'm plateauing! I need some motivation!
  • If you want to get protein easily, Muscle Milk came out with a 100 calorie shake that has 20g of protein in it. I like them when I'm hungry for a little extra, hungry but don't have time, or when my protein has been pretty low for the day.
  • I realized a few weeks ago that doing squats at work has become so much easier -- my belly isn't as in the way. It's so exciting to feel the changes. Good for you! <3
  • I think I've finally pushed past the amount of time my body takes to start seeing results. I've lost about seven pounds! Only another 83 to go!
  • I've been on it for about as long as I've disliked my weight! I'm not 100% sure it caused the weight gain but I never thought about it. I know the hypothyroidism alone makes it sooo much harder to lose any weight.
  • It's such a pain! It's definitely why I always fail with dieting. After a month or two and my weight hasn't gone down (and sometimes it goes up!) I give up and decide I'll be happier not counting and staying at the same weight. I've been carb counting since I was about five. So I know I'm not recording inaccurately. I just…
  • Same here! Good luck. I hope yours is a smooth journey.
  • Hi! I've had hypothyroidism since I was nine or ten and diabetes since 4! I started packing on the pounds in high school and I've tried on and off in the past to lose it, but every time I've failed because after a couple months and no change, I just don't care to work so hard. I've been at it again almost a month and…