pvignard Member


  • Chicken! low calories, high protein! Eggs are good too. There is some light yoghurt with high protein intake (called "serré" here in Switzerland, no idea in english). Otherwise, if you really can't make it => whey protein! you can find some pure protein whey, it will help catch-up your protein deficit. Oh and I almost…
  • I hope you won't mind but I really liked your post so am going to use similar format to present myself! About me: I am 28 years-old currently under-going quite a lot of changes! I'm father to an awesome 1-year old boy who brought many changes into my life! My son's birth has been the sign for me to get it back together and…
  • Cod fish filet with passion fruits (no sauce, the fruit IS the sauce... yummy!) Carrots with mango Wheat Very low calories meal but sooooo good!
  • Cooked eggs, chicken & pickles! :) low calorie, high protein and so good! There are some light cheese as well but it's already a step-up in terms of fat & calories... better stick with the veggies as advised by cecsav1 or chicken.
  • Chhhhiiicken! yeah, maxi protein :) (just don't cook it in loads of oil...)
  • Hello, I'd be interested if you get some tips/ideas as well! I'm trying to maintain weight & change eating habits to switch towards lower sugar, higher fat & prot. foods to build muscle (combined with 4x a week gym work-out) but I am having troubles finding food that would suit that... For now, eating chicken and eggs a…
  • Basically, put the weight up until you can't complete the full set... then keep at it until you can. Once you can, go up etc?