rebelsue2 Member


  • I'm back too trying to lose the weight i've gained since covid/WFH etc.... so frustrated and annoyed at myself but going to try and turn it around now! Currently around 197 needing to get back to around 170 to start with!
  • Look at intermittent fasting for an easier solution - try googling gin stephens and start there
  • Yep, tensing up my neck, it hurts! Also if you're a woman i found i can't wear the crossover racer type of bra while running it pulls my shoulders too far in and it hurts! A normal over the shoulder style works better! I also have to consciously think to relax my shoulders at various points during a run!
  • Yep you need intervals if you want to improve speed, try run 1 min, walk 1 min, or run 30 seconds and walk 30 seconds, repeat 10-12 times. If i'm training for something it's a mix of this, or tempo runs - faster runs at a goal pace for shorter times eg, 1-2 miles only at a faster pace, and then slower longer runs.... Hills…
    in SO SLOW Comment by rebelsue2 April 2019
  • I love JM. Must did out my dvd's.... im doing bodyboss right now which is kinda similar
  • 100% look into FODMAPS... Guarantee you'll have at least 1-2 things on there that make you feel yuck! and they're usually veggies and things you don't expect. Also I've not got Celiac but I cannot eat Wheat.... I'd say try cutting out most things with FODMAPS then try introducing them one by one after a few weeks you'll…
  • Gluten free 10 years here! Before i'd put on about 70lbs in a year, depressed, sick, anxious, puffy, irritable! Now i'm none of those things! I look back at old photos and my face was so puffy and yellow?! I'm super careful not to eat anything with wheat as that's my issue, and I get terrible symptoms if i do - worse than…
  • I did IF in the past, 5:2 diet, I ate up to 500 cals 2 days a week and whatever I liked the other days, no counting, still ate out, didn't think about it. I did exercise but not extensive, more like walking and some in home DVDs. I lost around 30lbs in 6 months. I'm back doing IF again, this time i'm doing 24 hour fasts…