

  • In my opinion i think it may get you toned depending on how many minutes a day you work at it. Now you dont not NEED weights to be toned. I didnt have weights for the longest time. I used the outdoors and i got denise austen workout tapes. Also it sounds silly but back in like the 80's if they didnt have weights they used…
  • Okay lifting weights wont make you manly or anything. It will help you gain muscle. If you want to just tone i suggest using light weights with your exercises. If you do want to gain muscle go up in weights. Say you wanted bigger thighs. Then put a bar on your shoulders while doing squats.
  • Dont worry just keep your head up. You will see results! You just gotta keep up the good work. Summer bodies are made in the winter. Dont stop now.
  • I can try