

  • Thanks - I did weigh the apple and salad but I used a generic entry that was the most close to what I figured it would be. That's why I've been staying way under the calories because I figured I'm making mistakes. I guess I'm being too cautious
  • I thought I did but it didn't take. I just did it again
  • My diary is public now
  • I'm 5ft 1 - 44 yo female - I've even had my thyroid checked.
  • How do you open your diary? I am logging between 800-1000 calories a day. My exercise alternates between circuit training, Les Mill classes and elliptical machines. I weigh everything. I don't pay too much attention to calories burned as I read Fitbit over exaggerates. I just try to stay in range.
  • I have been counting calories for four weeks - eating very healthy and continuing to exercise 4-5 days a week. I lost four pounds the first week and maintained only the last three weeks. Fitness pal and my Fitbit keep saying I'm not eating enough most days but I have a really hard time believing that. My stats are showing…