alonzo15 Member


  • Back in 2005 I lost 67 pounds and I too worried about going out to eat & being invited to someone else's house for dinner. What worked for me was to be a little OCD about calories. I had to control my food because food used to control me. So I get it, I really do! I'm not as controlling about my food now but a little bit I…
  • Joseph's Flax Oat Bran & Whole Wheat Pita with sun dried tomato hummus and a slice of pepper jack cheese, 1/2 cup 2% cottage cheese & a few Quinoa & Black Bean Tortilla chips (from Trader Joe's).
  • I would say that your smoothie is not UNhealthy but not nearly as healthy as it could be (if that makes sense :smile: ) I would eliminate 1 fruit and add kale or spinach (or both!) and it will still taste very good and offer more nutrients.
  • Great suggestions! Thank you!
  • My all time favorite juicing recipe: A bunch of kale & spinach (maybe 2 cups of each) 2-4 full sized carrots Whole cucumber, peeled Parsley Small slice of ginger Small green apple (skin on but don't juice seeds) Lemon (I cut off the skin but leave as much pith on because there's nutrients in it) Splash of coconut water…
  • I'm a vegetarian and I eat very little dairy. Breakfast: freshly made vegetable juice (kale spinach carrots ginger small green apple & lemon) or healthy cereal with 1/2 cup unsweatened almond milk Lunch: salad, hummus on pita OR black bean wrap. Small piece of fruit, quinoa & black bean tortilla chips (I "need" something…
  • I juice (and LOVE it) for a few reasons: 1) my hair grows like crazy 2) my skin looks super healthy 3) I feel very energetic when I start my day with fresh juice. I believe it's all about calories in and calories out so I log my juice and it fits great into my daily calories.