

  • Bust - 34" under bust - 30" waist - 28.5" belly button - 33" hips - 37" bum - 40" thigh - 22.5" knee - 16.5" arms - 10.5"
  • Today was not a good day diet wise.. Had my first day at my new job which ended up in me buying unhealthy canteen food as I had no food to make a packed lunch then I got home and my boyfriend had bought takeaway pizza... oh well onwards and upwards, I had a go doing ripped level 2 too as I am just so sick of level 1 now…
  • that's such a good idea with the bridges! Doing that from now on, always feels like I'm not doing enough in the chest flys
  • Does anybody else feel really inflexible during the cool down? I can barely reach my calves let alone my toes! Day 4 done, so bored of the routine already!
  • I was hoping to start running again more regularly, I stopped when doing my thesis in the summer then never got back into it again. Went for a half hour run yesterday and my feet are in so much pain! I don't know why :( and weirdly I now ache from the run but level 1 didn't make me ache.. So if my feet stop hurting I will…
  • finished day 2! annoyed at myself for not doing it yesterday, I had no reason not to except being lazy then running out of time to fit it in. It always takes me a while to get into things but hopefully I won't take any more breaks in level 1 now! I think doing the same video over and over is going to be very tedious…
  • 1. I would love to be able to buy the clothes I WANT to wear not something that I think I can wear. 2. To feel confident in a bikini. 3. To be able to wear shorts AND not feel self conscious! 4. To get fit, after running a few 5ks last year I want to build up to 10K, a half marathon, who knows maybe even a full marathon!…
  • Please add me :) I need motivation and am more likely to succeed with friends!
  • Just done the first day! Wasn't too hard, so looking forward to completing it. The only thing is that my weights aren't heavy enough they are 2.5lbs so sometimes it felt like I wasn't doing much and I can't afford to buy heavier ones in the next 30 days.. oh well I will just have to make do, more than made up for it in the…
  • Name: Rachael Age: 25 Height: 5'2 Highest weight: 144 lbs Current Weight: 140 lbs Goal weight: 125 lbs Hi everyone, I have put on a stone this last year since meeting my boyfriend, need to spend this next year trying to lose eat, very difficult when I live with a man with a super high metabolism who eats like a horse! I…