Motivation to lose weight or get fitter can be hard to come by, especially if, like me, you're already busy enough as it is! I'm not going to pretend I have any magical answers for you. All I'll say is that having a clear picture of what I want to end up looking like has helped push me over the last 3 years. After that…
I appreciate everyone's opinions. It certainly seems that nutrition is an individual thing, which works differently for everyone. Perhaps I should have popped a '...for me' in the title!
Ha! I drive a crossover. I'm with you buddy. Is not the ideal way of doing it. My problem is that I eat like a horse, and have struggled putting my own diet together that accomplishes what I want. I do about 30 mins of HIT a day, and workout 4-5 days a week, but wasn't eating regularly enough and correct portion sizes to…
Like pea and soy? I would say they were worthwhile if you were vegan or lactose intolerant. Otherwise, stick to whey. Its high bioavailabilitybioavailability and amino acid content are much better for building muscle. Also, I think it tends to be cheaper, though that may be just near me.
An apple. My boss is a doctor.
I really struggle to know what I should believe when it comes to nutrition. Broscience does seem to infect most websites, even ones I'd consider informative. I've taken to hunting down actual studies done on nutrition whenever I read an article that I'm not sure about.
What this lady said ^. Green veg is one of the healthiest forms of fibre, and it doesn't matter too much how you process it as long as you're getting enough daily, although raw does tend to be best.