_madshope Member


  • in FRIENDS Comment by _madshope March 2015
  • IIFYM [If It Fits Your Macros] Reverse Dieting. Check it out. It really can be a life saver
  • Weight training is definitely the best option for turning fat into muscle, cardio is a preference. Especially if you train hard and lift heavy. As a beginner, I would incorporate some cardio sessions into the workout, but lifting is the way to go. But nutrition is important too, as I'm sure you know. Eating the right foods…
  • It's super helpful to calculate your TDEE, which is your BMR + your activity level. That should be your bare minimum, especially if you're wanting to gain some muscle + get stronger. Most, if not all, say to increase your calorie intake by 500-1000 to gain muscle. For example, I am 5'10, + I consume 70g F/ 270g C/ 180g P.…
  • Razor8! Absolutely killer.
  • Its definitely very important that you raise your calorie intake from 1200. Especially if you are wanting to add muscle mass. When gaining muscle, you must eat a surplus of about 500-1000 calories more than your TDEE. [total daily energy expenditure] which you can calculate by finding your BMR [basal metabolic rate] which…