gio14 Member


  • Mug of coffee and some beta alanine pills, gnc has some really good dose ones in their brand for bout 20$, skip all the BS pre wrkout crack.
  • Yup strength reps will be in 3-5 rep range. Mass will be in the 8-10 along with rep variances to stimulate growth. Strength requires pure power and usually longer rest periods to allow the nervous system to recover. Bro science says eat everything u can get ur hands on.. The science is... don't go into a caloric deficit or…
  • Get some BCAAs and electrolytes will help with recovery.
  • Well I wouldn't say there's an actual difference in diet. Bulking just typically means eating at a surplus. Macros will "roughly" be the same since the bulker is usually trying to gain muscle mass. Just depends on what your goals are. What u should do first is determine your daily caloric burn then u can adjust from there.…
  • Shamelessly plugging my vegan shake lol..I'm not vegan fyi but this one adds 846cals to ur arsenal. Adjust the ingredients down to fit it into your budget. Enjoy! 4oz Banana 8oz Almond milk vanilla 1 cup frozen blueberries 2tblsp organic wheat grass 1tsp Ginger 2tblsp Agave 1 scoop(20grm protein) of ur protein (I use plant…
  • hmm honestly I would just stay at maintenance or ~200cals below, get ur macros in order and do something like p90x or insanity at this point. Think you'll get the best results since u probably have low muscle mass. A program like one of those will wake things up in ur body and give u some muscle "tone" and initial…
  • I would recommend to stay away from the velcro strap ones. Worst feeling ever, mid power lift and ur belt snaps open...ughhh. Anything with actual metal hinge thingys or whatever they're called.
  • I've got a pretty solid 849 cal Vegan shake in this thread:
  • Think someone above hinted at negatives..but here it is again. When hitting weights, lots of people only focus the movement or exercises, with no regard to the speed, eccentric portion, or time under tension of the actual muscle your suppose to be using. The eccentric portion is where all the magic happens in terms of…
  • Fitbit Charge HR best all around, no chest strap needed.
  • I've been using the Fitbit Charge HR, so far very happy with it. I use it to calculate my calorie burn during workouts. The tech behind it is very solid. There is still a margin of error but so far its been fairly on point. Would definitely recommend it. It's been a great tool worth the $150 IMO. I wouldn't trust the…
  • here ya go:
  • Well there are a few tweaks you can do. First, once u have established a surplus that is geared towards your weight gain goal, monitor your weight closely for two weeks to see if your gettin about 1lb gain, which is as good as your gonna safely get a week without too much added fat. If the scale hasn't moved at all, which…
  • I posted a great one last week that I'm using 849cals, look thru my posts ;)
  • Sure I'd be glad to nutrient absorption, I meant ur body does not get the nutrients it needs from fast food. Food is more than just a source of protein, carbohydrate, and fat..right?! it’s also our source of micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) that support our body’s many physiological functions. A major…
  • I'll take my Grilled steak, quinoa pasta with a homemade veggie sauce and some grilled veggie or salad.. aka "clean/deprived" diet over ur McCrap options anyday. If u really think that fast food is gonna taste better then we're in 2 different dimensions. See in urs Horse crap is yummy tasty food. Like I said to each his…
  • Whichever your stomach will hold!
  • Figure out ur daily calorie burn TDEE then add 15-20% daily on top of that. As a rule u'll want to double your daily burn rate calories per week, split evenly thru the week to gain 1lb per week. So if your burning 3000cals a day u would add ~400+extra calories per day. Figure out your macros that work best for u something…
  • Right on ;) or u can always have a burger n some frys!! or even better that salty baconator.
  • Famous KFC bowl...u say...baconator...well then that changes everything!! Actually I'll stick to my clean food and skip the cow nuts that r shredded in that baconator...enjoy though! I hear there quite salty ;D
  • Lol enjoy your McDoubles, I wouldn't touch em with a 10ft pole!
  • I really don't think it's a myth, I meticulously filled all the goto formulas for calculating my TDEE and was still stuck, I've only recently been making steady progress cause I figured out that the the numbers I was getting from these formulas were way off for me. I was supposedly at a TDEE of 2600cals, so I up'd my cals…
  • U need to figure out how many calories your burning a day. Get a a hr monitor like the Fitbit charge hr. Once u figure out how many calories u expend a day add 10-15% extra calories x/day. Basically if u consume 2000 cals per day u need to eat an extra 2000 on avg x/week to gain about 1lb x/week. Good luck!
  • Fitbit charge hr is insane I'm addicted!