wanttobefit300 Member


  • Yes, extreme carb restriction can cause you to lose weight quickly. Yes, it can make your blood sugar numbers appear better. But, eating below 40% carbohydrates for a long period can also damage your health in a big way, and you won't know it for a long time. Got a family member who did it. I was prediabetic for 35 years,…
  • Yasso frozen greek yogurt bars in chocolate, strawberry, mango, blueberry, or raspberry (or in a pinch, vanilla bean). 80 cal, little more sugar than in the yogurt naturally, 5-6 gm protein and scrumptious!
  • Did your doctor give you some instructions as to what you can and can't eat? You might need to see a nutritionist to find that out. Then you can set up mfp to help you follow it, and we can help with that. Not sure you should be listening to anyone on a forum as to what you should eat for any medical condition.
  • Too many saturated fats (otherwise fats no problem). Still 200 cal left? Eat some fruit. A couple of pieces will bring you up on carbs in a healthy way. Why such low protein? Do you have a health issue that requires that?
  • I weigh everyday. The fluctuations are informative. This morning I was up 0.6 lb after my modified-fast day. But I knew the cause so it didn't bother me. Lost all of it shortly after breakfast. Will probably be down even more tomorrow. Use the fluctuations to find out something about your body and its reactions.
  • But the olive oil will help you absorb more of vitamins and minerals in your salad. Just cut down the amount. I usually use 1 tsp olive oil and 2 tsp of vinegar for up to 2 cups of salad greens. It's a matter of retraining the taste buds. (Don't get me wrong--oranges are really great; they are just not an adequate…
  • Is there a question here?
    in Hi Comment by wanttobefit300 May 2015
  • I've been on metformin for about 5 months now (for prediabetes to diabetes--not pcos). I take 1000 mg of the extended release just before bed with milk and a small snack. Never had any nausea problems. Incidentally, my metformin is $4 a month at Walmart (without insurance). My goals are set at 50% carb, 25% protein, 25%…
  • There's an entire group of people with 50 lb or more to lose. Check them out.
  • I think you deserve a parade, too. I know just how you feel; I did it once and only my nutritionist seemed to care. Well, I am about to do it again (200.6 this morning). So we can all celebrate together!
  • Do whatever you are comfortable with. If the daily fluctuations bother you, wait longer. If they don't bother you, that daily monitoring can be very helpful. I weigh daily. If I go up, I look to see if I can find a specific reason. I have a Tanita scale so it also gives me fat % and water % to help in that.
  • I remember feeling the same way when I was 18 (although I was never that small--I am 5'8"). It can be so discouraging trying to put on weight, and most people just don't understand. Congratulations and keep it up!
  • I always go over on sugar. However, I eat almost nothing with added sugar, so I don't worry about it (even though I am diabetic). My sugar comes from fruit, vegetables and dairy primarily. These are good sugars. Maybe when the new labeling requirements go into effect, MFP will change so the sugars are separated into…
  • Before I developed neuropathy in my feet because of aspartame, I was doing 5 km in 45 min (including warmup and cool down) essentially every day. The body thrives on activity.
  • You can't tell from MFP how much potassium you are getting because the data is entered by users from labels, which don't list potassium as a general rule. To track potassium accurately, you would basically have to create your own data base of every food you eat, using something like a USDA source for the potassium.…
  • You don't need to hit the percentages exactly. Yours are close enough. But tomorrow, you might change a little to get a little more fat and little less carbs. Also, if you are eating a lot of fiber, you won't be able to meet your calorie goals even with the exact numbers (found that out the hard way--fiber doesn't…
  • Not all of us have a freezer or want to divide it up. If I am in a hurry, I don't want to take the time to reduce the recipe (seasonings and cooking times can't just be divided in half). I am good in math, but it is still a pain to do it. This information was provided for others like me. If it doesn't interest you, ignore…
  • tomatoey: This book is primarily recipes sized for one. Her actual diet book might talk about that, but I am not interested in the diet itself. This one discusses minimum cooking items to have, each recipe starts with everything needed to cook the recipe (what size pan/skillet, whisk, etc). I will have to adjust the…
  • Are you meeting your goals exactly. As I understand it, the pie chart shows your actual macro balance--not what you set for goals.
  • Try Nature's Own Double Fiber Whole Wheat bread. It is 100% whole wheat, has added fiber (oat, soy), and is only 50 calories a slice. It still is substantial enough for a good sandwich.
  • Are you eating enough protein, fat and fiber? All of these make you feel full and keep away hunger.
  • You don't want to be under your BMR for any significant length of time--your body will think you are starving. Add some mild exercise. Can you walk? Many suggestions have been made to add in more activity--park at the back of the lot and walk in or get off the bus one stop earlier and walk. When you go to the bathroom, can…
  • You don't mention fat in your macros. Believe it or not, you need fat to lose fat. But the fat should be healthy fats--olive oil, nuts and peanuts (including the butters), olives, avocados, canola oil, dark chocolate. You lose weight on low fat but not so much fat. For blood sugar control, it has been shown in research…
  • l millimeter is NOT l gram. The original definition of the gram is 1 cubic centimeter of water. 1 cc is the same as 1 milliliter. So 1000 cubic centimeters is 1 liter (slightly more than a quart).
  • I don't know about logging it. But it is actually healthier to get your exercise through housework, gardening, and other everyday life activities. 150 years ago nobody "exercised". They got all the action they needed through just living every day. We would all be better off if we got more of our exercise in that fashion.
  • Herbs and spices. Experiment to find what you like. Most are very low in calories. Roasting your vegetables adds a different, but good, flavor to them. Try roasting sweet potatoes with cinnamon on them. Cut them into cubes or "fries", toss them with cinnamon to taste. Spread out in a single layer on a cookie sheet. Roast…
  • How about beef stroganoff? I have a healthy version that is 505 cal that I use if I want to splurge.
  • To change your goals, go the home tab, then goals. You can then click on edit and put in the calories you want to meet. I don't know whether that will go back to the beginning, but it will continue for the future. To print out you food diary, on your computer (it doesn't work on the mobile app) go to your diary and scroll…
  • The 5:2 diet is for people with HIGH blood sugar problems--diabetics, pre-diabetics, etc. I would not recommend it for anyone who has LOW blood sugar problems.