sm997 Member


  • Thanks for the replies!! I don't weigh my food but I eat mostly whole foods and generally know what the calories are in things OR I overestimate the amount if I'm uncertain. Rachel, I will be sure to let you know if I ever find the secret out!!!! The only time I've been able to get to 105 and maintain I was pre-child, and…
  • Yes I followed it exactly. I know you're not supposed to weigh, but I felt like I was blowing up and sure enough I was. It's pretty low carb other than fruit... And I stuck to berries and apples and bananas for that. I ate lots of veggies, kale spinach beets and didn't even eat a potato. I ate healthy fats, no legumes or…
  • I don't have an answer for you but I'm eager to continue reading possible answers. Same thing happened to me. I did "whole 30" for 2 weeks, measured portions, tracked calories and still gained 4 lbs. I am trying to lose 10 for my wedding ... And it set me back! I decided I maybe need more fiber and perhaps that was what…
  • Hi! This is my first time really posting on here. Haven't really used it consistently ... I'm 11 weeks postpartum and have 10 lbs left to go. Am 5'2" 115 lbs and am trying to get to 105... Was 100 before baby but I just don't forsee that in my future now!! I'm exclusively pumping (I have an oversupply and got mastitis…