afbaka Member


  • Just got a Flex for my birthday this weekend, only been tracking for a few days, but addicted already! Would love some weight loss buddies!
  • I mix up my own oatmeal packets to bring to work, and they are awesome! In a snack size bag, mix this base: 1/3 cup oats 1 tsp chia seeds 2 tsp wheat or oat bran 1/4 tsp cinnamon 1 tbsp brown sugar then, depending on what i have in my pantry, i also add: 1/4 cup freeze dried fruit (my favorite is banana) 1 tbsp PB2 peanut…
  • i love the idea of logging the food before you eat it, that would definitely wake me up to how not worth it those calories are! thanks for the idea, totally doing that from now on if i want to eat something questionable! :smiley:
  • my work has a fridge and full kitchen, so i've been bringing a bag of lettuce at the beginning of the week and a bunch of fresh veggies (mushrooms, broccoli, green onions, carrots, cucumber, spinach, etc) and chopping them up as I need them and making a salad every day. Some days I'll fry up a veggie burger (Malibu brand…
    in lunches Comment by afbaka February 2015
  • I would talk to your OB about your specific goals because I am not a trained health professional or nutritionist or anything, but mine told me baby needs just 300 extra calories (healthy ones!) per day, so that's what I added to my goals. I've gained just over 20 lbs but I'm at week 30 right now, and my OB said that's…
  • My OB said that it was about 300 extra calories per day for baby that you have to consume, so to be safe, I put mine on Maintenance mode and added 300 calories to that manually. That seemed the safest option for me, but you may want to speak with your OB about it when you get the chance. :)
  • Hey ladies! I'm 30 weeks today (due on April 14th with my first!) and really starting to feel like a couch potato in the worst way. I'm itching to get moving again and ferociously planning out my post-partum exercise and nutrition plan. I just rejoined MFP today after not being on for a few years, and just started tracking…