

  • What breed is your pup? We have a Newfie. I know what you mean about being careful with them when they're young. I kept the weight on ours down until she was 18 months and then slowly put it on her and no strenuous exercise until she was a year. She's 8 or 9 now, 180 pounds, and completely sound. My Border Collies you…
  • I'm a dog lover too!!! I can't really say I use my dogs as exercise although I get a fair amount of it looking after them lol. When the snow goes I should get more dog-involved exercise once I get back to training them but for now it's just once a week and the odd little bit of work in the basement. I'm not big on exercise…
  • I know how easy it is for weight to creep up. Mine's been climbing for years but not to the point where I felt badly overweight. I had a cycle of gaining during the winter and losing during the summer although I never lost quite as much as I gained. Then about 2 years ago my husband was off work for a year and OMG!!! He…
  • I've been meaning to post here for a few days but have difficulty in finding the thread as it's a message under another group. Another downfall of age is that some days your memory just isn't what it used to be. Anyway, if anyone is interested, I've created an actual group that hopefully will be easier to find. I need to…