131runner262 Member


  • From my previous experience when I was healthy it's about eating the right foods. When I first started eating healthy natural foods I found that it was actually more food then I could eat. Not eating wasteless calories. Try and get a meal in about an hour before your exercise to help not burnout. Also good to get some…
  • Don't buy it in the first place really helps me. Don't shop when you are hungry or have cravings. I personally find I have more self control to.not buy something or not even go down that Aile then I do if it's sitting in my house.
  • Your situation is very similar to mine. I'm at a point in my life where I'm starting to be afraid that something bad healthwise is going to happen. I just want to be here as long as I can for my family. I also struggle with sleep apnea. I never got used to the machine and never use it even though I should. I've also lost…
  • Yes I have them both set the same. I understand what your doing with setting them to sedentary. That's what I was thinking of doing next. I might just have to set it one way and use it for 2 or 3 weeks and see how it goes and adjust accordingly