RedDragon09 Member


  • Honestly, I want to feel comfortable showing off my sweet sleeve, without people knowing that if I flap my arms hard enough, I could fly with my wings... I would love to get into cosplay, and eventually do some work with cosplay deviants... But I have to be comfortable in my own skin before I show it to people on the…
  • Just joined this morning - um hai. I'm at 184.3 now - goal is to hit 140 before my wedding in October. I'm nervous and excited and scaroused at having real accountability with numbers to real (awesome) people. :open_mouth:
  • I'm Jessica, RedDragon09 here, and PromotedFromLurker on the Imgurs. At my heaviest I weighed 250, I lost ~75lbs last year, and have been plateaued for *months*. I've joined a half marathon training group, and I'm starting Crossfit (don't hate me plz) to build smexy muscles and be comfortable and strong enough to do things…