

  • Thank you all! And @sjgft, I saw the same article! I won't lie, I was shocked by those numbers and didn't think I was burning that much haha. I go pretty hard but definitely have to take brief rests (I'm only on week 2). @earthsember, I've been using Zumba actually but I'll check the caloric output for those as well. I'm…
  • Yeah I wouldn't go greek yogurt crazy because it could definitely change the taste. If you think about it, Mayo is mostly egg as well. Eggs act as a binding agent, so extra egg could help. Try googling "mayo free crab cakes" and maybe frankenstein the two recipes? Veganaise is really good but if you're going for…
  • They also say that it takes 3 days to break a habit and 3 weeks (21 days) to make one. I'm super bad at it, so I usually assume it takes me a month to make a good habit stick. Having friends to help you with accountability can certainly make all the difference!
  • I scrolled through and didn't see a mention of it but I use a pre-workout called Energy and Endurance. It's sold by Beachbody; I bought it at the suggestion of my friend. I've known other pre-workouts to be just as good, as well. I wake up at 6:15, mix and drink it in bed, lay down for another ten or so minutes, then get…
  • I've been using "Zumba" for 30 minutes in the meantime, unfortunately I don't have a heart monitor (any suggestions for a good one?). I figure the amount of exertion is similar. I figure it's all estimations anyway because everyone burns calories differently.