piccpicc Member


  • Sounds like a common bond here...age and all. I have restarted just today ... my daughter's wedding is next August and I would like to enjoy seeing myself in pictures. I cannot hide in the back row this time! I do not want to hide in the back row . 30 lbs to lose. I lost 65 lbs about 4 years ago but 30 lbs has crept back…
  • What a great series of posts. I am relatively new to Fitness Pal but not to some of the same issues you cite. Post menopausal makes a difference but complicates metabolism. Lost 60 lbs 5 years ago...25 lbs has slowly crept back on but scales heading in the other direction again thanks to Fitness Pal and The Diet Fix. I…
  • Ottawa, Canada. Defin. frozen wastes of Canada. Tons of the white stuff here...
  • Hey. May I suggest an Ottawa guru...Dr. Joni Friedoff who endorses the use of My Pal as an app. and has written a book called The Diet Fix. Makes perfect sense!!! This works really well with this app. He does a 10 day reset... and speaks a lot about behaviours which you need to change to lose the weight and keep it off!…