apreimer2 Member


  • It sounds like classic IT band syndrome (ITBS). I just dealt with a very similar situation with my first marathon this past May. I got some IT braces, which really helped in training (no pain for my last month). At mile 11 of the marathon I felt my knee start to tighten up and by mile 13 I was in some significant pain.…
  • If you are looking to exercise at home, I would definitely recommend body weight exercises, including push-ups, planks, pull-ups (if you have the setup), squats, and lunges. You can get a pretty decent workout from these, especially if you haven't been doing much strength training. There are a bunch of variations of these…
  • A little more context: I have run 4 halfs and have one coming up in a few weeks. I finished my first marathon this spring, so I've covered the distance in one day, so I can picture what doing it split over two days might be like. It sounds like pushing the mileage up to marathon training levels sounds like a good idea. The…
  • I guess it is a bit off topic, but what does "stability work" refer to?
  • Again, they don't 'hurt' per se, they are just a bit sore. My 'old' shoes I am still using, as they aren't dead yet, they are just getting a bit worn (I've put maybe 600 miles on them). My new shoes are the exact same brand/model as my old shoes (and the two pairs before them), so I don't think there is an issue with my…
  • Yes, tennis ball massage definitely seems to help! I just got new shoes a week ago, so still breaking them in. Some of my foot acheyness may be a result of running in old shoes with less padding.
  • An apple has multiple ingredients??
  • Thanks all, everyone had very useful input. I guess I would rather train hard and be able to complete the race at this point then lose weight. I'm pretty sure that I gained at least a little weight the last time I trained for a half because I was eating more (I was not tracking calories back then).
  • Guess I should have mentioned something about clean eating or diet pills if I'd wanted to get more people to respond to my question.
  • Thanks for the input folks. I like the idea of body fat as a general "look" approach. How do I find lean body mass? Can I just use one of the online calculators to estimate?