Rocky_Runa Member


  • A view from my window just after midnight. Wasn’t even paying attention... a calm and quiet new year... with the exception of the fireworks 🎇 01/10/2018 331.1 lbs 06/02/2018 344.7 lbs 01/01/2019 323 lbs I started last year merely tracking for several months. Then I began incorporating more water and exercise. In September,…
  • @bmeadows380 I am in the same boat... age and relationship wise and it just gets old being made fun of... and then having friends get mad because I am supposed to understand somehow all the demands they feel with significant others and children. It’s very lonely. In my experience. I hope things go well for you with your…
  • “Hot Chocolate” pancakes... mmmnnn! 😋
  • @LanaCabana537 A belated Happy Birthday!! С днём рождения!! 🥳 @Tilliesmommy1 I made the mistake of going out to IHOP one year. At least I got bumped up in line because it was easy to find a table for one. But the entire restaurant was exploding with families laughing and talking. I just relax…
  • Hey all! Doc is moving through a list of things to check out and try to see what’s going on. It’s come and gone on it’s own in the past. So I know it will go, but she’d like to find the actual cause. What would I like for Christmas? The same thing as any holiday - a genuine invitation. A house full of people and laughter…
  • This is about how I feel right now!! Been a hard week painwise. And my stomach has felt like it’s folding in on itself. I am eating enough not to starve, but trying not to make situation worse. I just ate a couple hours ago and I am starving. At a loss for what to do. Trying not to give in to temptation to run to a Sonic…
  • Hi all - Been feeling crappy overall... holidays, isolation, depression, insomnia (sleep meds only work for a couple days... and things like melatonin actually keep me awake longer), or sleeping too much, etc... all just added up to a crash from most contact. Went to doctor to get BP medication refills. Talked about…
  • Hi all! Running through... got a ton of ideas via a post on the Facebook group for Yes.Fit. Ordered a KETO Sweets Cookbook. I LOVE bread, sweets, potatoes, pasta, cheese, and chocolate... and breads!!! But if I can trick myself with something that tastes as good... then I can keep up with it. Runa 🌺
  • Hi all... just breezing through. Have to go back and do thorough catch up. Stunned and amazed right now. Blood test results from doctor are in... prediabetic. I knew over a decade ago it was coming. And yet... I am terrified. I’ve never kept to a good schedule for PT exercises for my back due to severe and chronic…
  • Hi everyone!! I am so confused and just ready to stop trying to figure it out. Three weeks ago, I exercised like a fiend for 5 days of the week (from weigh-in to weigh-in). I ate under calories for several days and sometimes ate half my allotment MFP gives (2550 calories/day)... and I gained weight. I was livid. Two weeks…
  • Hi all! Just cruising through tonight. Been excessively tired lately. Not a bad thing, since my insomnia was on steroids for almost a year. But now, I am just surprised to be sleeping so much lately. They say sleeping well helps weight loss... 🤷🏽‍♀️ Been thinking about volunteering for awhile. Had found a place, but it…
  • Hello all! Been awhile! Had to avoid the Tday traffic and barrage of happiness as I sat here sorry for myself and my circumstances as I was trying to be happy for others. My back went out Tuesday last week. Woke up at 3AM in exquisite pain. My pain level has stayed at 6 out of 10 or higher since then... so a week and a…
  • Hi all! I swore I had posted earlier this month on this thread, but guess not 😕 November starting weight: 336 lbs December 1 weight: 332.6 lbs (gained this week) I was killing myself, not seeing any results, and then exploded in rage about my defective body... which resulted in eating whatever!! Trying to reign it in and…
  • @hickchic67 Yes, for the Turkey Trot 🦃🚶🏽‍♀️they sent out the medals in advance so folks would have them. Not sure of reasoning, but it is what it is.
  • Hey all! My last several years living back in my hometown (Minneapolis) in Minnesnowta 🤪 I was wearing just sweaters, throws, and t-shirts underneath all winter, so now that I live in Tulsa, Oklahoma... the summers about kill me and the winters seem extremely mild to me. I only wear tennis’s to do walks for exercise...…
  • Hi 👋! Just passing through, but spent almost a half hour catching up on posts. Should have made notes, but now can’t remember what I was going to say to whom. Depression pretty stubborn. And can’t get over incident from last week. As for water... I use the drink flavoring, but instead of a whole packet for 64 ounces, I use…
  • Hi all! Just waving 👋 quickly! Lurking as I am still pretty down - which means calories have been pretty up 😩 A cold 🥶 front has come through this week. But it is still warmer than hometown - so still flip flops, shorts, and t-shirts with a light sweater. People think I am crazy until I tell them where I am from! Runa
  • Peep! 🐣 Hey all. Been lurking. Hard week. @hickchic67 - I wonder if you could buy a kitchen floor pad to use while prepping/cooking for the next month. I saw them at my local Walmart for about $15 or so. They are larger than a floor mat and provide some give - better than straight concrete. I learned how to crochet as a…
  • Depression is too severe. Need to go get some help for a bit. Will be MIA for awhile.
  • October has ended... and so have my unrealistic expectations. I at least didn’t totally give up. SW: 337.4 lbs CW: 336 lbs Total loss 1.4 lbs Last 10 days: Under calorie goal - 8/10 days Exercise - 1/10 days Runa
  • Hey all! Gloomy day here and I am trying to stay awake. It is extremely hard to stay out of bed. Had a tasty lunch at the clubhouse today and picked up some groceries.
  • Hey all... just been blah for awhile. Trying to adjust to more water drinking - or water boarding as it feels most often - and added fiber supplement. Lana... got to say. I don’t understand what will be different in public transportation when you lose more weight. Is it going to be less convenient? Less embarrassing…
  • Hi all! Quick fly by right now. Been staying within calories this week and quadrupled up on the water. Started taking fiber supplement as well. Woke up with fever the other day. So been laying low. Hope everyone has a great Friday!!
  • Hey everyone! Had an emotional week full of tons of gluttony 😩 Hoping to get back on the wagon and stay on for awhile again... thanks @cnavarro002 for the encouragement!! SW 337.4 lbs CW 339.4 lbs Days under calorie goal 3/7 Exercise 0/7 Hope to do MUCH better this next week!!
  • Hi all!! Well, I just had a week of such gluttony, I am lucky my weigh in was only - ONLY - up 4.6 lbs. Hopefully I can finally get back in the grove and today’s “fresh start” will actually be just that - a fresh start. Dawn - I used the Yes.Fit program for my virtual race. I finished the miles with walks and daily steps.…
  • Received my first race medal 🏅 A lot bigger than I expected!
  • @bmeadows380 I TOTALLY hear you!! I jumped about 10 pounds this week! Whatever switch flipped in my head that allowed me to “stay on plan” for almost 6 weeks somehow got kicked back and I can NOT deal!! My whole life has been like that... bouncing back and forth. Constantly losing the will power to commit. I had a job that…
  • Hey all! Weekend was hard for me. Sad and difficult anniversaries. Tried to “be good”, but since I couldn’t seem to manage that, was very, very bad. I did finish my race, though. So that was something. @LanaCabana537 Спасибо! Spasibo! (Thank you) for the congratulations in Russian. It was good to get picks of one of my…
  • Checking in with 2nd week update. SW 337.4 lbs CW 334.8 lbs Days under calorie goal 4/7 Days of exercise 3/7 Feeling particularly blah. Realized that even though I have changed my caloric intake dramatically the last 7 or so weeks, my body is stubbornly holding onto its weight. Never lost weight so slowly while making such…
  • Finished my virtual race yesterday!! Very excited about that. My map shows all the distance I would have walked if I had actually been in Moscow. Got new shoes... my knees, legs, and back hopefully won’t need so much recovery time in between long walks.