Malyndiajc Member


  • This thread is catching some steam... congratulation @mangrothian‌ your world domination is near it's end goal :wink:
  • I promise I am not shifty... just didn't really have much to add until I noticed one comment I could actually be helpful and address. I am a fan of bento lunches, always have been, but don't really pack lunches for work (because I don't have a lunch time to enjoy them) so I don't have any nifty pictures to add…
  • I consider what I do when I get home a "binge" but that is because I am eating so many of my daily calories at one time... even with my "binge" I usually end up 200-300 calories under my daily target intake. So it does work for me, it just goes against everything I have been taught when it comes to "healthy eating" :smile:
  • Long time stalker first time commenter :wink: Look up "egg molds" on amazon... there are so many nifty shapes
  • I am not saying you are wrong, I have just been indoctrinated to think very differently. I mean listen to any "expert" talk about eating and you always hear how bad it is for you to eat all your calories in one sitting and they always refer to it as a "binge". You hear how your body goes into "starvation mode" and how not…
  • It's not that I am saying I can only eat between 11:30 and "bedtime"... plenty of my staff eat during our work hours, it is just that I tend to get to work, and run amuck until all the sudden I look up and it is time to go home. I have brought my lunch, there are snacks in my desk, and I have an alarm on my phone, it just…
  • I am sitting here Staring at the computer Waiting to go home