Anns24 Member


  • I used to deal with bulimia... When I get upset about screwing up my diet I would eat a whole pizza AND cheese sticks and then go throw up... Luckily this hasn't happened in a while, but it doesn't mean it's easy to avoid... :-((((( Definitely a gross feeling On the other hand when I stick to my guns and eat healthier…
  • I'm so jealous btw! I can't remember the last time I had a filet.
  • AGREE AGREE AGREE!! I rarely eat steak and eat fish all the time. I'd go for the steak if for no other reason than the fact you already include salmon in your diet.
  • Her butt is fake too. That's the look I like, curvy, but not so flabby, yet not so toned. I like her boobs, they're fake but they look natural. [/quote] lol but if you like the fake butt and the fake boobs then you cant have real results. That doesn't go together.
  • I use the recipe builder as they've stated. I'll build the recipe and then tweek it to be more calorie/nutrition friendly. THEN I go to the grocery store. This way I don't start adding and realize my recipe is way more unhealthy than I thought.
  • if I don't make mine I just try and make them up over the next few days and that feels like an achievement!! Just a thought :-) At least you're better now and can get back in your routine!
  • I would consider it more negative if the whole family wasn't making the changes as a group. I think too many children don't understand working out and calories and such until later on down the road which can make it that much worse for them. She is now aware and can make some of the decisions herself. In the end she is…