syligirl Member


  • Good morning everyone... I have not been logging into the group so much as I have been busy with work and school. I graduate with my Masters degree in July...I am so ready! I am due to fly to Antigua in April and really hoping to drop 30 lbs before then. Sounds like a lofty goal but when I get going it does fall off me.…
  • Wow Congratulations @NikonPal you are an inspiration! Thank you for sharing Enjoy that vacation!! S
  • Hi Everyone and good morning. You are all inspiring with your workouts, I hear terms like CardioSculpt and which muscle groups you are working on ...and here I am like..yeah I walked and did some zumba..haha I am at the basics, wanting to burn more than I take in. Last year however I did Insanity which is why I lost 50lbs.…
  • Good morning everyone, Thanks for the encouragement. I got a great nights sleep (another problem, I stay up way to late) When I woke up I packed all my healthy snacks )celery, cashews etc. Basically everything carb and sugar free...those are my two issues. I already feel better and motivated. @kate... Good for you about…
  • So I went to the docs today.. I gained back 25lbs of the 50. I lost.. So I got angry.. Went and did 2.5 miles on the trails.. Then had a no sugar no carb Lunch. I'm done with this garbage.
  • I guess it is good that most of it comes from my fruit, I try to stay under 40 sugars and I am typically hitting 60..hard when an orange has 14 and a banana has12 to 16..and then add in my coffee which is my indulgence but I love my coffee with cream and sugar! And that is it. I am over for the day before dinner even has…
  • Thanks for all of the advice, I love the idea of something new and the one about bribing myself...I think that one may just will keep you posted. Today I did manage to walk for a bit and stayed under my calorie goal, but missed my sugar goal..Sugar is so awful..IT IS just EVERYWHERE! Thanks again! Here is to…
  • Hi everyone, this is my first post here, but I felt the need to get a little support. Last year I lost 50 lbs. yay it was wonderful, I felt great. I did insanity, zumba, and walked, and just overall learned how to eat healthy. I have always struggled with weight, and one main factor is my addiction to carbs and sweets. I…