

  • Thank you AllanMisner. You are absolutely correct. My goal for 2015 is to work on it so that I get better.
  • Thank you all for your kind words and advise. A special thank you to abaldi0506. For some reason I related very well to your response and I'm so glad that someone understands my desire to not do paleo or any other extremely restrictive eating plan. Nothing against any of you who do Paleo...but I found it to not only be…
  • I can relate to you all! I'm new to crossfit (only 3 months in) and I am the heaviest I've been in 10 years. I'm truly struggling with the weight gain. Although some of it is muscle...I also have a good amount of fat to lose. How do I not allow my weight to derail me from my crossfit goals? I know that in order to become…
  • I just started ETP and so far I like it. It's a very supportive forum and your questions are always answered in a timely fashion. My goal is weight loss and muscle gain...but more importantly, I'm working on eating more to fuel my workouts. I just started crossfit (love it!) and while I'm pretty good at the strength…