

  • Thank you I'll have a wee look for them
  • I can't figure out to add you? :/
  • I just want to gain a stone and put on a dress size to a size 10, I did get to that once when I gave up smoking for 3 years, and stupidly started again but I am giving up again slowly, I don't just eat cake & sugary things, but I am the worlds fussiest eater. I eat mainly chicken breast or beef, with either roast potatoes…
  • Thanks everyone, I'm a fussy eater, I don't like peanut butter, bananas make me sick, and o don't eat fish, I do love cake though lol. I've not tried almond milk so I'll give that a go, Yep my health is all good i have tired the carbs, I've also try to drink a litre of full fat milk or milkshake, say when you look on line…