

  • Hello - welcome aboard!! I'm fairly new as well, just started at the beginning of the month. Everyone here that I've met online are very supportive. It really helps to have others along for this journey. 7 kids must have kept you pretty busy - I have an almost 6 year old and a 2 1/2 month old - and I'm beat, lol!! I wish…
  • Hello- I started taking Phentermine on August 2nd, as a jump start help to a healthier lifestyle change. The first 3 days or so were great - I was NEVER hungry - I had to conciously make myself eat... but after that it was like my body got used to it or something. Most days I feel as if I hadn't taken anything - I'm hungry…
  • Hi, just joined, I just turned 35, and I am mother to a 5 year old boy and a 7 1/2 week baby girl. I want to lose at least 100 lbs, but my ultimate goal is to lose 160 lbs. Anyone wanting a new friend - feel free to add me!!