

  • P.S you can burn a lot of calories with yoga, the fast moving type. Hatha? Also great for strength training. If you like it fit it in but keep some true cardio also.
  • I am not a fan of the cardio machines either usually, but since I joined a gym a month ago I am strangely liking it. I paid for one session with a personal trainer to draw me up a program, I didn't really didn't know what I was doing on the weigh machines and I am a person that needs a you I'm short and need to…
  • Storm I sound very similar to you, just joined today. How do we become 'friends' on this app, would love someone with similar goals to me to journey through this with. I am 5ft 2 and was 141 pounds after the holidays, now 137. I have two kids and my ore-pregnancy weight was 120 pounds. I hope to get down to 122 over the…