patpatepat Member


  • Hi, dear! I don't know if I understood well your point, but let's try.. First point is to remember that to lose or gain weight is not related only with calories, it's a combination between carbs, protein, fat.. if you eat 1255 calories with a high percent of fat, probably your weight will increase more than if you balance…
  • Hi, dear! No number is thaaat big that you can't achieve it. It depends just on you :) It's not an easy walk.. actually, not easy at all!!! hahaha But you need to convince yourself besides it's not easy, it's good for your healthy. Body and mind needs to be completely in alignment. My advice is: be patient. Things won't…
  • Hi, dear! No number is thaaat big that you can't achieve it. It depends just on you :) It's not an easy walk.. actually, not easy at all!!! hahaha But you need to convince yourself besides it's not easy, it's good for your healthy. Body and mind needs to be completely in alignment. My advice is: be patient. Things won't…