

  • Kari work closely with your doctor or support group. Also, I don't think losing weight is the focus, focus on building and toning. Take in extra protein each day. Really try to get more of a weight training program going. You'll see the results you want this way without losing too much weight, you'll lose some fat and gain…
  • immaish, best advice it just keep doing it, you're going to mess up and go over, just try to get better each day. Change something each day, increase your cardio or cut down on a macro nutrient a little... take it day by day and don't beat yourself up :)
  • I'm not sure how MFP works with friends. I just joined a couple days ago. I have lost over 60 pound already and have a few tips that helped me along the way. Will you guys be able to see what I post in my newsfeed and vise versa? Anyone can feel free to add me. I'm far from perfect but I keep going :)
  • I'd love to join you ladies too! I have 30 pounds left after a long journey. I'm trying to hit that goal by June 1st with a lot of work! I don't lose easily :(