varaidzo21 Member


  • How's everyone hanging in with week 3? I almost didn't work out this morning, was so sleepy. But I dragged my butt out of bed and gave it 100%.
  • Happy Week 2 of T25 everyone! I struggled more than usual this morning with the cardio. I blame it on having lots of beer, wine and frozen yogurt this weekend! I'm back to healthy eating this week. Good luck everyone!
  • Did the Ab Interval workout today. Struggled with some of the moves but it's definitely more laid back than the others. Looking forward to tomorrow's double workout. Looks like I'll have to get up earlier than usual.
  • Did the total body circuit this morning. I also struggled with the plank variations. What an intense workout!! I do mostly the modified versions anyway because I work out in the morning and live in an apartment building so I don't want to disturb the neighbours with all the thumping. To make up for it I walk to and from…
  • Glad you're still loving it! I did speed1.0 this morning as well. I was out of breath the whole time, but full of energy all day at work. Looking forward to tomorrow :-)
  • Wow! Congrats on your amazing results!
  • I started it this morning. Really enjoyed the first cardio workout. I look forward to seeing great results for everyone. I took some body shots and weighed in. I'm hoping to see some good results at the end of March.