awilliams1026 Member


  • Heyy it's great that you decided to get back into healthy eating. One thing that got me to start eating better was knowledge of what I ate. There is so much to be learned about how what we eat effects so much about us. I have been doing my fitness pal for some years and if you want support let me know. Add if you like.
  • I can relate to you there. I had a time where I just let myself go. What helped me slowly get back into healthy eating was really learning about nutrition. I mean learning about the effects the food you eat have on the body. Then I slowly started to change my eating habits. It is when I realized how better I was feeling…
  • I did not think that having people who have like minds about working out and eating better would help but it is something about logging on and seeing others still in the race with you does help you. Especially during the unmotivated times.
  • Hey you can add me. Alex from Arkansas. Almost 40 and feeling better than I have felt in years. Just trying to stay on track.