Bentley2718 Member


  • The bruising typically gets better. I do a little hooping (and pole dance, which also causes bruising). Typically, when you start doing something, or learn something new, you will bruise, then your body gets used to it and it is fine.
  • It is not your fault, she had a heart attack because of something going on inside her body, not because of a fight. A few years ago I lost someone close to me. Perhaps similar to the way you are feeling, I felt like it was at least partially my fault, that I should have done something differently. A friend who is clinical…
  • I will gladly supply the OP with links as well as book recommendations if she asks for them. However, her original post only asked if anyone was going veggie, and I responded that I was veggie, wished her luck, and invited her to friend me in case she wanted friends who don't eat meat. All perfectly reasonable. I responded…
  • Invalid might not be the entirely correct. Inconsistent with both anecdotal evidence (i.e. several people in this thread, and many others in the world) and not consistent with generally accepted medical/nutritional information, or current scientific research. Wait...
  • My post was not rude, and I do not understand why you feel singled out. You made a statement, I disagreed (politely I think, I even acknowledged that the links you supplied may well be helpful). I quoted your post because you started it with a point that I firmly disagree with, specifically, "becoming a vegetarian or vegan…
  • You started your post with these words "becoming a vegetarian or vegan is tough." There is no mention of health, although you quickly make it clear that you are assuming weight loss is the goal. You are correct that a veg*n diet is not necessarily healthy or low calorie, but I don't think anyone here is claiming otherwise.…
  • Please, please, please give me a prevue by telling me what *reliable* vegan source of B12 your links will lead me to that numerous vegan nutrition experts (e.g. Jack Norris, Virginia Messina, Brenda Davis, and Vesanto Melina to name a few) are somehow unaware of, I would love to see it. Please note that seaweed, and other…
  • About a year, but my weight is about the same, and I still hold that position on a regular basis, so it seems reasonable to me.
  • We would have to find someone who has experienced both, if such a person exists, in order to begin to settle this.
  • This sounds weird, but when I first became a veggie bacon was the one thing I missed. I found smoked almonds cured the craving. They're smoky, and fatty just like bacon.
  • THIS! I'd also recommend reading Vegan For Life, it's a great book written by a vegan registered dietician, with lots of practical information on eating a healthy vegan diet throughout your life (kids, adults, etc.). There are also a couple of aps for your phone (Animal-Free and VegScan are two) that let you enter a…
  • The hens my family had never did that. However, pecking at each other, and picking at themselves is a common sign of stress in all birds.
  • - Most male chicks get killed soon after hatching. - Male calves are killed, either soon after birth or when they are sent to slaughter. - When dairy cows stop giving milk, they are sent to slaughter. - When chickens stop laying, they are sent to slaughter. The sad truth is, regardless of what type of farm it is (factory…
  • While I'm sure those are excellent and helpful links, I really wish people would stop saying that being a vegetarian is difficult. Being a healthy ovo-lacto vegetarian isn't any more difficult than being a healthy omnivore. The basics of the diet are really the same, lots of veggies, some starches/whole grains, and some…
  • That would be my mother. She doesn't eat out often either.
  • I found a gradual approach helped me give up dairy and eggs. Over a couple of years I found and adapted to other foods to fill the places those foods filled in my diet. For example, switching from regular milk to almond milk, or eating more beans since I no longer got my protein from yogurt. Even if you are never a…
  • I *hate* ordering salads at restaurants, mostly because I resent the assumption that I can "just order a salad." Plus, by the time you take the meat, cheese, and buttered croutons off, you're left with a really pathetic salad.
  • 1) Being killed = harmed. I think you mean not maltreated while they are alive. 2) You do not have to "really watch what you eat" to be a health vegetarian, any more than you have to watch what you eat if you want to be a healthy omnivore. Veggies, whole grains, beans, nuts, fruit. If you are ovo-lacto add in eggs and…
  • VoV is an awesome veg*n friend!
  • I've been a veggie for over a decade now. Personally, it wasn't all that difficult once I realized it was what I wanted to do, and I don't miss meat at all. Now I eat a mostly (like 98%) vegan diet, it's a work in progress. Edited to add, best of luck to you! Friend me if you'd like.
  • When you skin is old and wrinkly your tattoo will look like crap, just like the rest of your skin. A tattoo doesn't really make it better or worse, and I've seen some pretty old saggy skin with tattoos. Also, I happen to think charm bracelets (i.e. pandora bracelets) look idiotic on adult women.
  • That statement is sexist, men are no more pigs than women. And now that I think about it, it's a little rude to pigs too. Pigs aren't bad creatures, and probably aren't jerks nearly as often as people.
  • Not just guys, nothing makes me want to spend less time talking to a person quite like having them say something like "why don't you talk to me as much anymore." *shudder* Edited to improve clarity.
  • Holy textspeak batman! I don't even do that when I am actually sending an sms. I think my eyes might start bleeding. That said, it *is* possible that he is actually busy with finals, and then being with his family over the holidays. It is also possible that he has lost interest in talking to you for some other reason. I…
  • I don't get all of this holiday abstaining stuff. You're not going to gain back a significant amount of weight eating or drinking in for a single day/night--so if NYE is your big night to drink, go for it, just don't go all out on a regular basis and you'll be fine. That said, I'm probably not drinking at all, too much…
  • Marriages where one person expects to be able to change the other person in a major way rarely work out well. I think you want to put some serious though into what will make you happier, and talk to someone you trust who knows you, maybe even a professional about your situation and how you feel. As others have said, it…
  • I don't think the appetite suppressants sound like a good idea. Yes, you will lose weight, but what are you going to do when you go off them? Also, as others have pointed out, doctors tend not to have very good training on nutrition (these days they typically get less than a semester in med school), so unless your doctor…
  • Do I think it is wrong? Absolutely not, but, as others have pointed out, this is dangerous territory. First, you may want to ask yourself, if I like this woman so much, enjoy her company, etc., why isn't she dating material? If you don't have a really good answer to this one (for yourself, not anyone else) then this…
  • If you eat like a typical American, then yes, you probably would be healthier if you ate less meat, dairy, and processed foods and ate more vegetables, fruits, and whole foods. I do not think you have to go 100% to see at least some benefit--for many people any improvement in your diet is likely to result in improvements…
  • In the U.S. probably So. Cal again. I miss LA. Outside the U.S. the Netherlands.
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