

  • I shall definitely try it.. I happen to have some scented candles, maybe I can use them too :) I hope this helps with sound sleep because I have a hard time getting to aleep and staying that way :/
  • Hi Candice! You have a very pretty name :smiley: Reading really truly helps a lot, with a good book, you can completely lose yourself for hours on end. However I have never tried meditation, could you give me a few pointers on what you do? Also, I know the initial hunger pangs can be annoying, I'd advise you to eat small…
  • Hey Amy :smile: I'm Z (as in zee). This is my first time on MFP, started ten days ago. I have to lose 81 pounds and so far its going good. I'd love to have supportive friends too!
  • Hey :) Looking for motivation and looking to motivate as well. I'm Z, and you?