I want to improve my sex life, if I'm honest. I also want to look great, feel better and prove that it can be done. So sick of chubby crabs saying "but hurrrduuurrr, muh genetikz!! Weight loss is impossible!!!", I want to prove it is possible. Also, at the risk of being blunt, I was sexually assaulted a few months back.…
There's someone who is friends with a mate of mine who I loathe. She's gigantic. If I want to eat garbage I look her up and count her chins. Works every time. I just tell myse;f "Giving in and eating rubbish" is what Scarlett would do" and the urge to eat goes. I don't even give in and eat something "healthy" because…
Mine wasn't, and he was refusing to sort his own diet out so I dumped him. Periodically, I check his social media accounts, and his most recent photo, his face is swathed in fat, all his defining features are covered in it and he has three chins. That helps, to be honest. But if thinspo for me, and validation I made the…