

  • Hey cocobongo according to MFP I burn about 239 calories with a high impact cardio workout for 25 min (T25) so adding that into my calories, it has me eating somewhere around 1700 calories and I should be losing a 1lb a week. Im thinking about changing my goal to 2 lbs a week, maybe thatll help.
    in T25 Comment by Lauren102190 March 2015
  • Hey guys, I almost finished my 3rd week of T25 alpha phase. I am loving the fact that the workouts are only 25 minutes and I am still dripping with sweat at the end of it. The hardest part for me is being patient to see results. So far I haven't lost any weight or any inches and I am starting to get discouraged. Especially…
    in T25 Comment by Lauren102190 March 2015
  • Congratulations! Major transformation!
  • you look amazing! good job!