spidergirll Member


  • Totally agree with above.... I went through a divorce in 2012/2013, (10yrs together then found out about an affair). It's difficult to believe it now, but you can make this into the start of the best new start of your life. Get **you** back. Be selfish- refocus that painful energy back into yourself as positive you-time.…
  • I'm in! Group effort. I've never posted / joined anything on MFP. First time scrolling through feeds, looking for motivation. I'm fantastic at being great for 2 months.... and then half-assing it for 2 months, so I keep re-gaining what I've worked so hard to burn off. Group-effort motivation sounds awesome. I'm 38yr old,…
  • I've recently started doing my grocery shopping at Trader Joe's. I've learned to slow down and look around as there are so many hidden cool items. Keep an eye on the Nutrition labels - I'm often surprised at how either super healthy or super splurgy each item is. Here's some of my favorite finds so far: * Frozen Alaskan…